Thursday, February 22, 2024

Not your cup of tea!


I may not be everybody's cup of tea and some people like coffee! 

I personally like coconut oil in my earl grey. And I'm not keen on coffee at all. 

For those that do like my flavour of yoga they get an insight into my ordinary, boring, hectic and crazy life and mind. 

You get to find out that this yoga teacher doesn't always have it! together but has learnt over the years that, that is ok.  

As long as you don't get stuck in the it!. 

And sometimes it takes more that an hour on a yoga mat to clean up the it!

I have taught yoga through some very personal rough patches and mostly no one in my classes knew, I am able to separate my personal life from my teaching/classes. But equally I am happy to share what I have learnt from those rough patches if it will be of benefit to an individual or a class. 

And it isn't just a mat based practice that makes things "perfect" sometimes we also have to learn some new stuff and let go of some old stuff to get through it. 

We also need to learn that that perfect doesn't exist, well not in the way we think it has to. 

Moments can be perfect - perfect is fleeting and not a way of life. 

Sometimes it's mindset and sometimes conscious talking and thinking are what is needed.    

This yoga teacher is and isn't many things. 

This yoga teacher has learnt many things, forgotten some, has unlearnt some things, has been torn apart by some things and put back together by others and remembered some of the things she had forgotten. She has found new depths to old lessons and is constantly humbled by depth and scope of the human condition. 

Maybe you think that my flavour is not for you, how will you know if you don't try it - some of the most the most wonderful flavours are the ones we take the longest to get around to trying and then we wonder why we had never tried it before. That said some flavours we try and we dislike them and that's ok, this yoga teacher has been around long enough to know that even though yoga can be of benefit for everyone - my flavour of yoga may not be the one you choose.  

Best and Blessings 


Yoga teacher and founder at Yoga Movement Studio

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