Thursday, March 7, 2024

What's on offer at YMS - Descriptions of the classes and sessions available to YMS

 Yoga Movement Studio/Sarsha - YMS

YMS is my passion

YMS an urban sanctuary for sustainable movement and mindful stillness.

YMS a place where I will hold space for you to explore the potential of your body, mind and soul. 

YMS a place where you can be you without judgement or expectation. 

YMS a modern practice of yoga. 

YMS a space to be.

Yoga Movement classes - weekly timetable classes.

The practice I share is not about advanced poses or technical sequences. It's about becoming aware of you, honouring you, where you are at! Yet also being open enough to explore the capacity and potential that we all hold. Knowing that it will unfold with time and dedication to the practice and to yourself.  

I often hear people say I'm not flexible enough for yoga - flexibility is a side affect of yoga - not a pre-requisite. You can not run a marathon without commitment and dedication. So why do we expect ourselves to need flexibility at the beginning of our yoga journey. 

At YMS all yoga movement classes are suitable for all levels - like I said before classes at YMS are not about advanced poses or technical sequences - I take a modern approach and layer the movements, so everyone can explore what feels good for their body on that day and in that moment. 

The benefits of moving the physical body can also have a positive affect on mental wellbeing too. 

Each Yoga Movement class finishes with stillness - you get comfy and spend time in non-movement as a contrast to the movement practice. The stillness is still a practice. It's a space where you can tune into you notice without judgement or analysis the impact the practice has had upon you. The breath is weaved through the movement practice and is a key part to the stillness practice. This part of the practice is part guided. 

Serenity Sessions - once a month sessions

These sessions are well-being sessions and little longer than a timetable session. 

In these session I share - 

Yoga Nidra - yogic sleep this is a guide deep relaxation, where you get comfy and immerse yourself in nervous system replenishing rest. 

Crystal singing bowls - you get comfy and allow the vibrations and frequencies of the bowls to soothe your being. 

Yin Yoga - slow floor based yoga practice where you hold poses for a while (a few minutes to several minutes) this practice gives the connective tissue of the body time to release and become more pliable. This practice is also gives time for inner reflection. The practice is guided with pockets of quiet time for that inner reflection. 

Serenity sessions can be a combination of one, two or all of the above practices. 

These sessions compliment the timetable classes or are great as a stand alone practice - attend as and when feels right for you. 

Supple Strength - Block booking class - term time only

Supple strength a combination of layered flow, conditioning and strength. Adding another dimension to  Yoga Movement.  Using resistance bands, body weight and clubbells - weighted sticks. Creating a toned yet supple body - this class is all about  creating another layer on improved mobility and strength.  This class will be great for those wanting to make an extra commitment to their health and well being. Although this is a faster paced class it is still taught so you can honour you and your body where you are at, in each session.

Yours in Movement, Stillness  & Strength

Sarsha ✨