Tuesday, September 17, 2024

 I can't believe I just sat down and planned the offerings at YMS until the end of the year!

Don't panic I wont mention the C word - 🎄🎅   just yet. 

But here are my plans for the next 3 and a bit months at YMS. 

I will carry on using the 2 week timetable throughout the Autumn and early winter - 

September 27th 7-8.30pm collaboration with Aimee - Nidra and healing sound.

More details about both of these offerings further down the page.

Offering 1 - The BIG Yin, Nidra & Sound session

Sunday October 13th 9.30am-12noon

Offering 2 - collaboration wit Aimee - Nidra and sound healing

Friday 1st November 7-8.30pm

Offering 3 - Sound and social Friday 22nd November 7-9pm

Offering 4 - Yin and sound Monday 23rd December 7-8.30pm

Offering 5 - Nidra & sound Monday 30th December 7-8.30pm

More details on offerings 1-5 coming soon  

New price plans/T&C's coming in October 2024

Booking is essential for all classes and sessions
contact Sarsha via text 07900433129
Text is best as Sarsha is not always available to answer calls
Response time to text usually the same day.

BFO! Horsemanship and yoga

 BFO! Blinding flash of the obvious. I first heard this on a Natural HorseManShip -NHMS course. The instructor was explaining how many things can be explained to us in many different ways and we have an understanding of whatever they are and how they work individually and together.  While your learning these new concepts and ideas putting them together can be clumsy and awkward. And then one day all of a sudden you see one small part of the whole in a completely different way, something feels different there's a realisation of oh that's how it works and it all makes a new sense and changes how you see it all  - BFO! - we get a blinding flash of the obvious. That one small thing makes you realise how often we over complicate things. Sometimes it takes a lot of learning to realise how simple something can be.  At this point our understanding changes/deepens and we know we can not go back. This understanding will change how we do things moving forward. This new understanding forges a new path and way of being yourself and being with horses - if you do horses.   It becomes something you feel not just know. keep reading I'm getting to the yoga bit soon. 

I've had many BFO's during my NHMS journey some on courses when watching others and having conversations about the concept of NHMS. Some in quiet moments with my own horse while working on building the relationship I have with him. And some in riding lessons while the instructor guides me to find feel and connection with my horse. 

 I found when a BFO happens to me - it is a thing that I feel deep within almost like a piece of soul retrieval, it makes me feel humbled yet more whole. Within the BFO its almost like you let go of how you think it should be and see how it actually is. I find horses are really good at showing you the way. And most are really patient and forgiving. And those that are not are a sharp reality check.  We can learn a lot from horses. 

Why I am talking about NHMS when this is a yoga thing/blog well I think they are both the same. We can practice the moves/asanas and work on self awareness. And every now and then you get a BFO a new level of understanding of yoga and all that it has to offer. It isn't simply poses and moves. Even in learning the yoga philosophy we can learn it all on an intellectual level and never feel it.

Yoga is a work in and not a work out.

Yoga to me is kindness to self, non judgement of self , self awareness of patterns and cycles that we we move in, through or become stuck in. If we can truly see ourself this where we start to get the BFO's in yoga. The journey to the self through the self! Yoga really is an inside job! Yoga and NHMS are the same as they are both journeys of self discovery. Both journeys require the practitioner to let go of old ways of thinking and doing.  I know with both of these journeys that I am aiming to undo the complicatedness of being a human. We live in society that seems to only value busy-ness, productivity and high achievements. Rest, non-demanding time and self awareness are so underrated, yet so powerful. 

The journey of yoga begins within and radiates outward. 

Yoga is an inward self sufficient practice.

A few yoga BFO's             - being able to move your joints well out weighs the                                               perfect execution an advanced pose. 

                                       - don't worry if your yoga doesn't look like                                                           everyone else's yoga.

                                       - it's a journey with your soul as the destination.

                                       -  you don't have to know or even understand it all.

                                       - it's ok to accept and fully embrace where you are at                                           and still want to change. 

Sarsha ✨

PS yoga should be fun even though it can be a deep and reflective practice a sense of fun/play, friendship, support and community are also important.  


Thursday, May 23, 2024

It's only a photograph!

It's only a photograph! 
But is it!

Consent for photographs/recording during a yoga class, sound session or any similar holistic type session. 

In a world were consent is a big topic, how is your consent gained to take and use photographs of you while attending one of the sessions above. 
Have you even considered this?

Or do you just make the assumption that having you photograph taken (and that photo possibly being used to promote the class) is part of a yoga class.

How should consent be gained? Prior to the session - at the session?  Individually or as a group?  Verbally or written? Was there a disclaimer saying photograph/s may/will be taken during the session/sessions that you attend? 
I know there are many reasons someone may not want their photograph taken in a one of these sessions and then shared. The reasons for this are again a massive topic - I'm not getting into that here. Some people may say yes when they mean no if they are put on the spot as they enter a class. I was one of those people.

After completing several yoga courses that covered the topics of consent, trauma and yoga as a safe space. I realised I'm not the only who is not comfortable with having my photo take during a class. And just how big this topic is!

I have a no photographs in class policy at YMS. 
I want YMS to feel like a safe space to all who attend classes and sessions here.
I personally have never been one for taking photos during the classes I facilitate - I am too in the moment to remember and it doesn't feel appropriate for me to break off from teaching to take photos. 
I would never take photographs in classes or sessions I facilitate. 
Not even the rest at the end of class. 
Especially not in the rest at the end.  

That said I have been asked occasionally to take a photo of a student after class for their personal use, I am more than happy to do this.

Most people may be more than happy to have their photograph taken during a class but what about those who are uncomfortable with this - I am one of them. This could lead to them thinking that a yoga class is not a safe space and this becomes a barrier to them attending classes. 

At YMS photographs are never taken of you in any of the classes or sessions without prior notice/consent.

Sarsha ✨

For me yoga is a place go let go of the social pressures of how I should and shouldn't be/look/perform. I look to yoga as safe space. This is not a place I personally would want others taking photographs of me. 

If I was to want or need photographs during a class/session there would be full disclosure that photography would be happening in this session and what the photographs would be used for. Prior written consent gained, with full option for declining the use of any photographs taken during the session. So only those who are perfectly happy about this would attend. And they would still get to approve the use of the photographs once taken.   


Thursday, April 18, 2024

YMS Core Values

YMS Core Values

>> To deliver yoga with experience in a way that honours 

modern bodies and minds.

>> Offering yoga to suit different moods. Soothing and calming, 

awakening and energising, strengthening and empowering.

>> To create a space (an urban sanctuary) that is welcoming, 

friendly, calm and customer centred.

>> To empower customers to know that yoga doesn’t have to be 

about advance poses to be beneficial.

>> To inspire and encourage others to be their most courageous selves.

>> To embody and share never-ending self development and self discovery.

>> To bring yoga to those who think yoga isn’t for them.

More information at 


or contact Sarsha via 


Hello from Sarsha


I know some of you know me, but let me introduce myself again for those that are new here and don't know me. 

I'm Sarsha - I'm 53years young! 

Yoga teacher/guide and proud custodian of  the space I named Yoga Movement Studio. 

Yoga has been in my life for many years, nearly 30 years. I have been teaching/guiding yoga movement for over half of those years. 

I came to yoga because of work related back pain (I was a sewing machinist for 12 years) and yoga has also helped me navigate mental health issues. 

Yoga guides me everyday to just be and know that is enough - self acceptance. 

Yoga has given and continues to give vitality and a zest for life.

I no longer have constant back pain and my mental health is good most of the time and when its not (we all have off days) I dip deeper into my yoga Knowledge and practice. 

I have studied yoga and movement with many different mentors over the years. And now teach my own eclectic mix of yoga, Pilates, movement and mindfulness.

I created Yoga Movement Studio as an urban sanctuary for sustainable movement and mindful rest. For those who want to take time to nurture and nourish themselves with movement and rest. I aim to be a guide to help you find healthy nourishing movement that suits and works for your body. And mindful calmness to help your flourish mentally and emotionally.

I have sparked the light of yoga in many others over the years. Some have been with me years and are the back bone of the YMS community/family. Several have gone on to be yoga teachers themselves!

Yoga doesn't have to be about advanced poses, it can be about self acceptance, thoughtful sustainable movement and mindful rest/stillness/relaxation.  The biggest take away from yoga movement is that yoga is a life long (yet not forcibly everyday) commitment to move better and feel better. Lots of thiose who attend yoga movement classes feel benefit with one class per week. 

Outside of yoga teaching/guiding I am a mum to two kids 12 & 14 years as I write this, a wife, a daughter and a friend. My other passion in life is horses. Horses have been in my life for 40+ years. I was 10 when I had my first riding lesson and I have been horsey-ing ever since.  I am horse guardian to Mr B the equine love of my life. If I'm not yoga-ing you will find me at the farm, field poo-picking, horse grooming, stable mucking out or horse riding. Having a horse gets me out in nature everyday. My life is a routine of school runs, family time (as a family we enjoy the outdoors, walking and ski-ing), horsey-ing and yoga. 

Pre-kids I was a gym, spinn and road cycling bunny/junkie!  When the kids came along I decided to cut myself some slack and not pressure myself back to the gym, spinn or cycling. I still haven't returned to them, I have dabbled but find it hard to keep a regular commitment with all that is going on in my life now. That said yoga, my kids/family time and my horse keep me happy and healthy. 

Happiness and health to you.


PS. I look forward to sharing yoga movement with you either in person at YMS or via the online studio. 

All the details of both are on the website yogamovement.studio


Thursday, March 7, 2024

What's on offer at YMS - Descriptions of the classes and sessions available to YMS

 Yoga Movement Studio/Sarsha - YMS

YMS is my passion

YMS an urban sanctuary for sustainable movement and mindful stillness.

YMS a place where I will hold space for you to explore the potential of your body, mind and soul. 

YMS a place where you can be you without judgement or expectation. 

YMS a modern practice of yoga. 

YMS a space to be.

Yoga Movement classes - weekly timetable classes.

The practice I share is not about advanced poses or technical sequences. It's about becoming aware of you, honouring you, where you are at! Yet also being open enough to explore the capacity and potential that we all hold. Knowing that it will unfold with time and dedication to the practice and to yourself.  

I often hear people say I'm not flexible enough for yoga - flexibility is a side affect of yoga - not a pre-requisite. You can not run a marathon without commitment and dedication. So why do we expect ourselves to need flexibility at the beginning of our yoga journey. 

At YMS all yoga movement classes are suitable for all levels - like I said before classes at YMS are not about advanced poses or technical sequences - I take a modern approach and layer the movements, so everyone can explore what feels good for their body on that day and in that moment. 

The benefits of moving the physical body can also have a positive affect on mental wellbeing too. 

Each Yoga Movement class finishes with stillness - you get comfy and spend time in non-movement as a contrast to the movement practice. The stillness is still a practice. It's a space where you can tune into you notice without judgement or analysis the impact the practice has had upon you. The breath is weaved through the movement practice and is a key part to the stillness practice. This part of the practice is part guided. 

Serenity Sessions - once a month sessions

These sessions are well-being sessions and little longer than a timetable session. 

In these session I share - 

Yoga Nidra - yogic sleep this is a guide deep relaxation, where you get comfy and immerse yourself in nervous system replenishing rest. 

Crystal singing bowls - you get comfy and allow the vibrations and frequencies of the bowls to soothe your being. 

Yin Yoga - slow floor based yoga practice where you hold poses for a while (a few minutes to several minutes) this practice gives the connective tissue of the body time to release and become more pliable. This practice is also gives time for inner reflection. The practice is guided with pockets of quiet time for that inner reflection. 

Serenity sessions can be a combination of one, two or all of the above practices. 

These sessions compliment the timetable classes or are great as a stand alone practice - attend as and when feels right for you. 

Supple Strength - Block booking class - term time only

Supple strength a combination of layered flow, conditioning and strength. Adding another dimension to  Yoga Movement.  Using resistance bands, body weight and clubbells - weighted sticks. Creating a toned yet supple body - this class is all about  creating another layer on improved mobility and strength.  This class will be great for those wanting to make an extra commitment to their health and well being. Although this is a faster paced class it is still taught so you can honour you and your body where you are at, in each session.

Yours in Movement, Stillness  & Strength

Sarsha ✨

Thursday, February 22, 2024

Not your cup of tea!


I may not be everybody's cup of tea and some people like coffee! 

I personally like coconut oil in my earl grey. And I'm not keen on coffee at all. 

For those that do like my flavour of yoga they get an insight into my ordinary, boring, hectic and crazy life and mind. 

You get to find out that this yoga teacher doesn't always have it! together but has learnt over the years that, that is ok.  

As long as you don't get stuck in the it!. 

And sometimes it takes more that an hour on a yoga mat to clean up the it!

I have taught yoga through some very personal rough patches and mostly no one in my classes knew, I am able to separate my personal life from my teaching/classes. But equally I am happy to share what I have learnt from those rough patches if it will be of benefit to an individual or a class. 

And it isn't just a mat based practice that makes things "perfect" sometimes we also have to learn some new stuff and let go of some old stuff to get through it. 

We also need to learn that that perfect doesn't exist, well not in the way we think it has to. 

Moments can be perfect - perfect is fleeting and not a way of life. 

Sometimes it's mindset and sometimes conscious talking and thinking are what is needed.    

This yoga teacher is and isn't many things. 

This yoga teacher has learnt many things, forgotten some, has unlearnt some things, has been torn apart by some things and put back together by others and remembered some of the things she had forgotten. She has found new depths to old lessons and is constantly humbled by depth and scope of the human condition. 

Maybe you think that my flavour is not for you, how will you know if you don't try it - some of the most the most wonderful flavours are the ones we take the longest to get around to trying and then we wonder why we had never tried it before. That said some flavours we try and we dislike them and that's ok, this yoga teacher has been around long enough to know that even though yoga can be of benefit for everyone - my flavour of yoga may not be the one you choose.  

Best and Blessings 


Yoga teacher and founder at Yoga Movement Studio