Thursday, January 9, 2025

New Year New Outlook.

Moving with the seasons - 
Did you make any new year resolutions?  I've been thinking maybe we should rebrand them as REST-olutions. The reason being that it is still in winter, nature is still sleeping, we are part of nature. Winter is a time of slowing down. The days are shorter we just don't have as much time. 
So why now in January do make big plans and try to rush forward into the new year! Why not adopt a slower more nourishing practice that honours our need to rest and recuperate during this season.  
Rest doesn't have to be about stopping completely, just using more restorative practices with intention. 
While we are in this slower phase we can make plans and prepare for blooming and moving forward with the spring equinox. As nature starts to burst back into life.
By then the days will be getting longer and we will feel more energised - especially if we have taken the rest we need in the darker winter months.  

All of the January classes at YMS are planned around this idea of a slower and more nourishing practice. 

Classes through January 

Yoga Movement - 75 mins  - sustainable movement & mindful stillness
Monday 7.30pm 
Friday 9.15am

Yin Yoga - 75 mins - floor based stretch and relaxation
Wednesday 9.15am & 7.30pm

Yoga flow - 60 mins - sequenced standing yoga and power nap
Thursday 7pm

All weekly scheduled classes are £12.50pp
There are loyalty cards and monthly payment plans available - details at your first class. 

Booking is essential for all classes and sessions
Contact - Me - Sarsha via text 07900433129
Text is best as I am not always available to answer calls
Response time to text usually the same day.

The new Move Better Feel Better program is fully booked for the January intake. These sessions are designed to get your joints moving, improve mobility and stability and work with functional movements.
There will be a March intake if your a woman 35 years + and interested in joining this program - send MBFB and your email to the mobile number above.